Frequently Asked Questions

MuseShop.net is constantly evolving. Whether you're here because you'd like to learn the basics
or you are our power member, make sure to visit this section because we'll be updating it regularly.

Your subscription to MuseShop.net Membership needs to be renewed manually. Before the end of the one month period since you signed-up or since your latest renewal, you will receive a renewal order email. It is recommended that you renew as soon as you receive the renewal order email, by clicking on ‘Renew my Subscription’ button. Also, the recommended way is to use your desktop computer while renewing.

Easy, all our items are numbered (e.g. V1.0.4) where the higher number means newer version. You can always check the version of a particular item on the item page. Simply visit our shop and browse or search for the item you want to check for updates, open the item page and scroll down near the bottom of the page to where it says “Update History”. There you’ll find all the needed information about the version of the item and what improvements have been made.

Firstly log in, then click on “My Account” button in the top right corner to access your account and then click on “Downloads”. Our entire library will be listed under “Downloads” and you can download the files from there.

No deal, that’s the price! You can always spread the word if you like our pricing.
We want to make it possible for designers and freelancers to access some of the most powerful tools for web design and at a price they can afford.
Instead of putting big bucks into advertising and charging our members more, we believe that the best advertising is the quality of our templates and widgets as well as the recommendations from our members so, if you like our stuff, let your people know.
Our Sign-up $49 fee gives you instant access to our entire library of products and the $10 / month gives you a continued access to all the new cool stuff we create every following month, and as long as you actively renew your Membership every month you don’t have to pay for the Sign-up fee ever again. From our experience, great Muse designs will get you more clients and Premium Templates and Widgets we create will give you the edge over competition and land you more projects than you can imagine so a long lasting membership with us will do good things for you and for us! Everybody happy 🙂

You can use our templates, widgets and other MuseShop.net products to build personal and commercial websites with no limitations. Please note that resale or distribution is not permitted. Plain explanation is that you can deliver the exported html code to your clients which you got from our templates and widgets but you cannot share, sell, resell or distribute the actual .muse files nor the actual widget (.mulib) files and other source files. This explanation is only informative, for full terms please visit our Terms and Conditions.

Simply double-click on the .mulib file, it will open Muse and the widget will appear in the “Library” panel.

This is how Adobe Muse updates the widgets (not the best procedure in our opinion). We are working hard to follow the browsers and Muse as they evolve and we do this by regularly updating our widgets. You need the latest version of our widgets to ensure they will work on the latest Muse version and latest browser versions. Because Muse will simply add the updated widget as the new one instead of updating the actual widget, the best practice is to first delete the old version of the widget you are about to install (delete it inside Muse, not on your computer) and then install the updated version. Our widget updates are numbered so you can easily know if you have the latest version.

Header and footer content is usually located on the master pages. Master pages are located on the bottom when in plan mode. To find out more about Master Pages visit Adobe Muse Forum and search for Master Pages.

We are working hard to provide in-depth instructions for all of our products, widgets being the priority because of their uniqueness. In case you didn’t receive instructions with your template this means that the template you are working on requires only basic knowledge of Adobe Muse. For basic information about working in Adobe Muse you can visit Adobe Muse forum and for some of the standard tips on how to install custom elements like Icon Fonts you can watch our Video Tutorials which explain all of these steps. Ultimately, if you can’t find your answer you can always contact us and we’ll be more than happy to help.

This is a typical Adobe Muse warning and nothing to worry about. It simply means that you need to re-link the images and other custom content, in plain English, you need to tell Muse where are the images and other files located on your computer. The logic behind this is that Muse loads images, videos and other files from your computer. And since you got the template from us, this path has changed. To re-link the assets open the muse file, open any page, click on the “Assets” panel (if you don’t see it click Window and then Assets), right click on any file that has a red question mark next to it and select “Relink”, then browse on your computer to find the asset you need. Once you relink one asset, Muse will automatically relink all other assets that came with the theme.