Frequently Asked Questions

MuseShop.net is constantly evolving. Whether you're here because you'd like to learn the basics
or you are our power member, make sure to visit this section because we'll be updating it regularly.

Practically every MuseShop.net item comes with its own instructions, detailed documentation and most of our products have video walkthroughs.
You can also contact us through “My Acoount” page, where you have access to our priority support and FAQ. Additionally, every MuseShop item has its own discussion area located at the bottom of the item page, under “Item Discussion”, where other members have shared their issues, experiences, tips and tricks.

You get to keep everything you downloaded while your membership was active 🙂

Although we’re doing our best to supply you with the best Muse templates, widgets and more, which is meant to help you earn more income in your design work, if  you wish to cancel you membership you can do this from My Account page, while you are logged in click on “My Account” in the top right, then click “Subscriptions” and from there you can manually cancel. In case you want to cancel we really want to know your reason so we could see where we can improve, maybe we’re working on exactly what you need at this very moment.

MuseShop.net Membership is a subscription based service. While your membership is active, you can download all of our products at any time. We constantly create new widgets, templates, content blocks, video tips and tricks and much more and we also update our products regularly so they would be compatible with new Muse versions and new browser versions and while your membership is active you get all the new stuff we create and you keep getting free updates for everything you downloaded.

We offer PayPal payments only at this time. We are working hard to on adding Stripe payments as well which will support credit cards but we cannot say when this will happen. Your payments are processed by PayPal which means we focused on what we do best, design, and we let the payments handling to the professionals.

The best place to start is to create your account and take it from there. We highly recommend you check out MuseShop.net Membership because it will grant you instant access to most powerful Adobe Muse Templates, Widgets and Content Libraries available on the market. And with our membership you’re unlocking an insane discount when compared to individually purchasing a couple of items.

MuseShop.net offers eCommerce/Subscription type of services, as well as video tutorials and blogging which means you can:

  • Buy a template, widget or content library as you would on any eCommerce website
  • Watch video tutorials about Adobe Muse
  • Read from our blog
  • Become a MuseShop.net Member and download our entire template/widget/content/video library
  • Founded by Muse Experts and Best Selling Authors

  • Powered by Skilltech – Acclaimed Adobe Muse Creators

  • MuseShop is created by Muse Designers for Muse Designers

  • MuseShop vision is creating professional Muse Themes and Upgrades giving Muse Designers the power of the professional Web Design Studio

MuseShop.net is an independant Adobe Muse professional content provider. Founded by Themeforest’s Best Selling Adobe Muse author and Adobe Muse expert – Dragan Milenkovic, powered by acclaimed Adobe Muse Studio – Skilltech, MuseShop.net is the new standard in Adobe Muse Templates Design and Adobe Muse Widgets Design. We deliver the most powerful Adobe Muse Templates and Widgets on the market with a goal of turning Muse into a powerful Web Design Studio.

All you will need is a current Adobe Muse subscription and a basic understanding of how to use Adobe Muse.

A template, or theme, is a ready-made website built using Adobe Muse, complete with graphics, fonts, widgets, and images. An Adobe Muse Template can be opened directly in Adobe Muse and users can modify any elements, as well as publish directly without writing any code.