Your subscription to Membership needs to be renewed manually. Before the end of the one month period since you signed-up or since your latest renewal, you will receive a renewal order email. It is recommended that you renew as soon as you receive the renewal order email, by clicking on ‘Renew my Subscription’ button. Also, the recommended way is to use your desktop computer while renewing.
Firstly log in, then click on “My Account” button in the top right corner to access your account and then click on “Downloads”. Our entire library will be listed under “Downloads” and you can download the files from there.
No deal, that’s the price! You can always spread the word if you like our pricing.
We want to make it possible for designers and freelancers to access some of the most powerful tools for web design and at a price they can afford.
Instead of putting big bucks into advertising and charging our members more, we believe that the best advertising is the quality of our templates and widgets as well as the recommendations from our members so, if you like our stuff, let your people know.
Our Sign-up $49 fee gives you instant access to our entire library of products and the $10 / month gives you a continued access to all the new cool stuff we create every following month, and as long as you actively renew your Membership every month you don’t have to pay for the Sign-up fee ever again. From our experience, great Muse designs will get you more clients and Premium Templates and Widgets we create will give you the edge over competition and land you more projects than you can imagine so a long lasting membership with us will do good things for you and for us! Everybody happy 🙂
You get to keep everything you downloaded while your membership was active 🙂
Although we’re doing our best to supply you with the best Muse templates, widgets and more, which is meant to help you earn more income in your design work, if you wish to cancel you membership you can do this from My Account page, while you are logged in click on “My Account” in the top right, then click “Subscriptions” and from there you can manually cancel. In case you want to cancel we really want to know your reason so we could see where we can improve, maybe we’re working on exactly what you need at this very moment. Membership is a subscription based service. While your membership is active, you can download all of our products at any time. We constantly create new widgets, templates, content blocks, video tips and tricks and much more and we also update our products regularly so they would be compatible with new Muse versions and new browser versions and while your membership is active you get all the new stuff we create and you keep getting free updates for everything you downloaded.
We offer PayPal payments only at this time. We are working hard to on adding Stripe payments as well which will support credit cards but we cannot say when this will happen. Your payments are processed by PayPal which means we focused on what we do best, design, and we let the payments handling to the professionals. Membership gives you access to ALL our Templates, Widgets, Content Blocks and Video Tutorials.